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These terms and conditions govern the Lions Loyalty Member Waitlist offered by DLI Properties, LLC ("DLI," "we," or "us").

Waitlist; Process. The Lions Loyalty Member Waitlist ("Waitlist") is a list of individuals who have indicated their interest to purchase season tickets and taken required steps to have priority for the opportunity to purchase such tickets if and when they become available. In order to be confirmed on the Waitlist, an individual must:

  • submit an interest form with current contact information ("Interest Form"),
  • complete an identification verification process as directed by DLI, and
  • submit a deposit of $100 per requested seat ("Deposit").

We recommend indicating a minimum of two (2) seats, but individuals may indicate a minimum of one (1) seat and up to a maximum of four (4) seats on the Waitlist. The Deposit must be paid by credit card, debit card, or electronic transfer through the payment systems indicated by DLI from time to time. Cash is not accepted.

Nonrefundable Deposit. Each Deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable. Paying a Deposit does not guarantee you access to tickets. After you successfully complete identity verification and submit your Deposit, you will be placed on Waitlist for the number of seats requested and confirmed with the required Deposit. Upon submission of the Deposit, you agree that any paid Deposit has been earned by us, is fully forfeited by you, and you have no expectation of refund or return. If you cancel your place on the Waitlist or breach these terms and conditions, you agree that we may retain the Deposit as liquidated damages, to the fullest extent permissible by law. You acknowledge that the Deposit is a fair and reasonable estimate of the actual cost to us in offering, creating, and maintaining the Waitlist, costs which are otherwise impracticable or extremely difficult to determine. The Deposit, the Waitlist, and these terms and conditions are not made or entered into in anticipation of or pending any conditional sale contract.

Priority Process. By joining the LLM Waitlist, you will be placed on a list that is prioritized by time and date. If and when your Waitlist number of seats become available, you will be notified of the availability to purchase tickets by email to the email address indicated on your Waitlist registration ("First Opportunity") along with a corresponding deadline to purchase season tickets. If you decline to purchase or fail to respond by the deadline, you will retain your place on the Waitlist. The next time your Waitlist number of tickets become available based on your place on the priority list, you will be notified of availability to purchase tickets by email to the email address indicated on your wait list registration ("Second Opportunity") along with a corresponding deadline to purchase season tickets. If you decline to purchase or fail to respond by the deadline for the Second Opportunity, your priority on the list will start over and you will be moved to the end of the priority list as of the time and date of the deadline. The next time your Waitlist number of tickets become available for purchase based on your place on the priority list, you will be notified as if it is your First Opportunity, with the cycle starting over.

Purchase Price, Taxes and Official Fees. The purchase price of season tickets will be based on the then-current price of the offered tickets at the time you are notified of availability. Because purchase price, taxes, fees, and season ticketholder benefits are constantly changing and depend on many factors, season ticket pricing and benefits will be indicated to you only at the time tickets become available to you. You must submit full payment or agree to any then-current payment options at the time you elect to purchase tickets. The Deposit will be applied toward the first payment for purchased tickets.

Agreement to Arbitrate; Waiver of Jury Trial. PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS PROVISION which applies to any dispute between you and DLI (and its members and affiliates). If you have a concern or dispute, please send a written notice describing your dispute to If not resolved within 60 days, you agree that any dispute arising out of or relating to any aspect of the relationship between you and DLI will not be decided by a judge or jury but instead by a single arbitrator in an arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) under its Consumer Arbitration Rules. This includes claims arising before joining the Waitlist, such as claims related to statements about our products and services. We will pay all AAA fees for any arbitration, which will be held in the State of Michigan. To learn more about the Rules, you may visit or read the rules here: AAA Commercial Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures. The arbitrator may only resolve disputes between you and DLI, and may not consolidate claims without the consent of all parties. The parties agree to arbitrate solely on an individual basis. In all events, the arbitrator shall have no authority or jurisdiction to hear any claim, conduct any proceeding, or grant any remedy on a class or collective basis. You and DLI may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity and the arbitrator is not permitted to allow class arbitration or any claims brought as a plaintiff or class member in any class or representative capacity. The arbitrator may not consolidate more than one person's claims and may not otherwise preside over any form of a representative or class proceeding. Claims pertaining to different individuals will be heard in separate proceedings. If a court or arbitrator decides that any part of this agreement to arbitrate cannot be enforced as to a particular claim for relief or remedy, then that claim or remedy (and only that claim or remedy) must be brought in court in Wayne County, Michigan and any other claims must be arbitrated. If you prefer, you may instead take an individual dispute to small claims court. You may opt out of arbitration within 30 days after submitting your Interest Form by sending a letter to: The Detroit Lions, Inc., Attn: Legal Department, 2000 Brush St, Suite 200, Detroit, Michigan, 48226, stating your name, date and time of Deposit submission, and your intent to opt out of the arbitration provision.

Privacy Policy. Lions' Privacy Policy is incorporated into these terms and conditions and can be viewed at

Limitation of Liability. We are not liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of the Waitlist or these terms and conditions. Your sole and exclusive remedy for any actual damages incurred under these terms and conditions, if any, will be limited to a return of your Deposit.

No Resellers. DLI sells tickets directly to end-consumers. We may unilaterally cancel any order that we believe has been made with the intent of resale or that has otherwise been made in bad faith, and we will keep your Deposit. This includes orders for which a third party is facilitating or brokering the sale, or if tickets are to be re-sold somewhere other than where you tell us you reside. If you become unresponsive to us or fail to complete a requested action to maintain your place on the Waitlist or progress toward the purchase of tickets, we may cancel your place on the Waitlist and retain the Deposit.

Default and Remedies. You will be in default of these terms and conditions if you provide false or misleading information in your Interest Form, Deposit, or other communications to us, or violate applicable law. If you are in default, we may, after any legally required notice or waiting period: (i) cancel your place on the Waitlist and retain the Deposit; (ii) revoke any distributed tickets, (iii) sue you for damages, and/or (iv) charge you for amounts we spend taking these actions.

Governing Law; Integration. Except as provided below, these terms and conditions are governed by and will be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Michigan. Prior agreements, oral statements, negotiations, communications or representations about tickets, the Waitlist, the Deposit are superseded by these terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions are agreed to and effective as of the date you submit your Interest Form. By submitting an Interest Form, you agree to these terms and conditions.

Last updated: 3/1/25