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GET TO KNOW: Safety Will Harris



Harris: Atlanta, Georgia.

If a Lions fan were to come to your hometown, the first place you would take them is ... ?

Harris: I would take them to my mama's house. That's where you're going to get the best cooking.

College major?

Harris: Communications.

View photos of Lions' third-round pick Will Harris from offseason workouts.

Favorite TV show?

Harris: Game of Thrones, but it just ended. It kind of broke my heart.

Favorite emoji?

Harris: Probably the 100 sign.

Favorite meal?

Harris: I take it back to my mom's cooking again. We're going shrimp and grits. Favorite meal of all time.

What would your entrance music be?

Harris: I can't steal John Cena's. I was huge on that when I was young. If I could steal his, I would take his. But other than that, I would go something by any Atlanta rapper.

Any hidden talents?

Harris: I used to work on the backflip, but when I got to college I stopped doing that. I can sing a little bit. I'm the best shower singer in the world, I can tell you that.

If you weren't playing football, what would you be doing?

Harris: To be honest, I would still want to work around football.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Harris: It would be invisibility for sure. I would pick off everything.

If you could play any other NFL position, what would you play?

Harris: D-end. If I was big enough to play d-end, I would. I'm in love with defense. I feel like it's a fun position. You get to come off the edge and ruin the game for the other team. I try to ruin the game at safety as much as I can, but I feel like D-end would be fun too.

Favorite place to travel?

Harris: I haven't really gone out of the country that much. When I did, it was to the Bahamas, and I liked that. So I would go with the Bahamas.

One person you'd like to meet?

Harris: Ric Flair, Nature Boy.

Favorite athlete of all time?

Harris: LeBron James.

Favorite thing about Detroit so far?

Harris: The people. The people and the atmosphere. Really great fans. I felt the love as soon as I got drafted. Love the people here, very genuine. They like to go to work and that's what I'm here to do.
