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GET TO KNOW: Defensive back Tracy Walker

View photos of Lions' third-round pick Tracy Walker from offseason workouts.


Walker: They call me T Time, T Walk and Tray.


Walker: Brunswick, Georgia.

If a Lions fan were to come to your hometown, the first place you would take them is ... ?

Walker: To the beach.

College major?

Walker: Sports Management.

Favorite movie?

Walker: The Fast and the Furious series. 2 Fast 2 Furious [in particular].

Favorite emoji?

Walker: The smiley face with the sunglasses on.

Favorite meal?

Walker: Tacos.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Walker: I can definitely flip, like acrobatically. I can play basketball really well too.

If you weren't playing football, what would you be doing?

Walker: Coaching.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

Walker: I definitely wish I could teleport.

If you could play any other NFL position, what would you play?

Walker: I don't think I'd want to play any other position. I think I'm great where I'm at.

One person you'd like to meet?

Walker: Michael Jordan.

Favorite athlete of all time?

Walker: Michael Jordan.

Favorite thing about Detroit so far?

Walker: The way people treat me around here. It's different from home, but I feel at home already since I've been here. I'm just embracing the moment and enjoying the opportunity that I have.
